PM Modi in his Mann Ki Baat programme today, He said, no mission can be successfully achieved without people’s participation. He urged the citizens to strive for a self-reliant India with their collective resolve, commitment and support.

Mr. Modi said, when people buy local, become vocal for local they play a role in strengthening the country. He said this too, in its own way, is service to the nation.

Mr Modi said, during this unlock phase, many other things are getting unlocked, which had hitherto, shackled the country for decades.

He said, for years the mining sector, space and agriculture were in a state of lockdown. Now the decisions taken by Government have unshackled the bottlenecks and given a boost to these sectors.

He referred to commercial auction in mining, opening up of space sector and reforms in agriculture towards a self-reliant India with advancement of technology. Mr Modi said, there are many such sectors in which, amidst, all crises, the country is opening up new avenues of development through historic decisions.