army-chief-bipin-rawatArmy Chief General Bipin Rawat has exuded confidence that talks on Kashmir issue by the Center with the relevant stakeholders and military operations against the terrorists can take place concurrently, which will ultimately help to solve the Kashmir issue.

General Rawat was speaking informally with media after attending a function in the Armed Forces Medical College in Pune today. He rejected the possibility of any chemical or biological attack on India from Chinese side and assured that peace prevails on India-China border.

Speaking about the construction of three foot-over-bridges for Railway by Army in Mumbai General Rawat said the Army is capable of constructing such good quality bridges within a short span of time.

Earlier in a function organized in AFMC, General Rawat felicitated selected schools who are sending rakhis and Diwali greetings to the soldiers positioned on borders since many years.

These gifts from the citizens certainly boost the morale of the soldiers, he said. General Rawat informed that information about soldiers and officers who made supreme sacrifice for the nation has been compiled in a book and it will be included in the curriculum of CBSE from next academic year.

BN Shrivastav Foundation had organized the function to felicitate the schools.