Anna has been on fast at the Ramlila Maidan in here demanding a strong Lokpal for the last 12 days and has lost 7.5 kg.

Earlier Parliament unanimously agreed to a resolution in principle to three demands of Anna Hazare. Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha agreed to the resolution conveying the sense of the two Houses on the demands of Team Anna.

The demands included setting up of Lok Ayukatas at state levels, bringing lower bureaucracy under the ambit of the Lokpal and the charter that makes response of the government to citizen’s issues time bound. The Houses also resolved that the resolution will be sent to the Standing Committee now looking into Lokpal bill for its perusal.

Union Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh played a vital role in convincing Anna Hazare to end his fast. Deshmukh on Saturday conveyed the “sense of the house”, including in-principle agreement on the three key demands of Anna Hazare on the Lokpal Bill, to the fasting Anna Hazare.

Earlier Deshmukh succeeded in Separating Anna from his ‘Team’ which was bent on lingering the fast. “Why should I talk to Team Anna? Are they fasting?” asked Deshmukh who talked to Anna personally in Marathi and convey the feeling of parliament and government to him.

He said that he was working behind the scene for few days to convince Hazare. “I have personal rapport with Anna why should I use Team Anna to interact with him”, Deshmukh told TIA.

Earlier when a Marathi officer came to talk to Anna personally few days back Team Anna did not allow him to talk to Anna separately in Marathi.

But like a true Maratha leader Deshmukh succeeded in sidelining Team Anna from Anna Hazare. Finally Anna realizes game behind the agitation and agreed to his Marathi brother request to give up his agitation.

Vilasrao Deshmukh has been continuously receiving congratulatory call from his colleagues and party leaders for taking out government and the Congress party from this deep political crisis.

Full text of PM’s letter to Anna