NEW DELHI: Parliament on Thursday gave its seal of approval to the supplementary demands for grants of nearly 45 000 crore rupees with the Rajya Sabha returning the relevant appropriation bills. The Lok Sabha had yesterday passed the  supplementary demands for grants. On Thursday  it also passed the supplementary demands of  over 1024  crore  rupees for the railways. Our correspondent says,  with the logjam over the opposition demand for JPC probe into 2G spectrum scam continuing for 15th working day on Thursday,  the financial business was transacted amidst pandemonium  with the opposition  raising pitch  to press their demand. Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya sabha were adjourned first till noon and then for the day after laying of papers and trnsacting financial business. Meanwhile both  the BJP led   opposition and  the Congress  have accused each other  for   the stalemate  in Parliament.  Speaking to media NDA Chairman  Mr L.K Advani  said that the entire  opposition is one on the demand for the probe by JPC  and alleged that the government is not serious about  curbing corruption in the society. He said if the government agrees to  the  demand the opposiotion is ready to extend its cooperation in the smooth running of both the houses.

Descibing the disuption of  proceedings of the Parliament as  undemocratic.  Party spokesman Manish Tiwari made a conscious call to the opposition to ponder over the damage to polity done by the stalemate.