A leading Pakistan daily has lauded India’s expanding global footprint and its growing stature on the world stage under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The daily said, Prime Minister Modi has brought India to the point where the nation has begun to cast a wider net of its influence and impact.

The Op-ed column in leading Pakistan daily further stated that under Mr. Modi, India’s foreign policy has treaded skilfully and its GDP has grown to over three trillion US dollars. Calling it ‘monumental progress’,  the Op-ed column written by Shahzad Chaudhry, a noted political, security and defence analyst, called India a preferred destination for all investors. The writer further reiterated that India has, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, established its own domain on the foreign policy front. He noted in his column that India is also a big producer of agricultural products and the IT industry, adding that in agriculture, their yields per acre are comparable to the best in the world and despite being a country of over 1.4 billion people, it remains a relatively steady, coherent and functional polity”.

Citing data, Mr. Chaudhry, in his piece, said India’s system of governance has withstood the test of time and proved its resilience around fundamentals essential to a resolute democracy.

Earlier in November, Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan had lauded India’s foreign policy, calling it free and independent.