modiPrime Minister Narendra Modi today said that India would maintain a zero tolerance attitude towards terrorism and ensure to work to maintain peace and stability in the region.

Addressing the member countries of the SCO , Mr.Modi said that interdependent world of 21st century is full of opportunities .

He said only physical connectivity of the region is not sufficient but also the movement of goods and service, trade and human resources are required.

Mr.Modi told India’s entry into the group will bring happiness and security in the region.

Referring to Afghanistan’s geo political situation in the group, he said that a stable independent and peaceful Afghanistan is required for regional security and prosperity.

He said that SCO will have a major role in the economic development of the internal stability and security of the world.

Mr.Modi told that India will be benefitted by the inclusion in the group as there is enormous potential in enegry and natural resources.

He said that economies of the SCO member countries will also benefit in the areas of trade, information technology,agriculture and health care.

Mr.Modi thanked all members of the SCO for supporting India’s inclusion in the group saying that India will sign memorandum of obligations which will initiate the formal process of bringing India as full member in the group.

He said India will take part in the next SCO to be held at Kazakhstan next year.

Earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin told that India would India’s membership would be formally announced next year.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China looked forward to work with member countries within the framework of the SCO and meet for the next summit to be held at Kazahkstan.