Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Rameshwar Teli said that nearly one lakh people have got employment through the LPG distribution system under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, PMUY. He said LPG coverage has increased from 61.9 percent to near saturation level in the last five years. Mr. Teli was speaking in the post-budget webinar on HAR GHAR UJJWALA, organized to accelerate development and make public welfare schemes effective.

Mr. Teli said that, as part of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package, more than 14 crore free LPG refills were provided to the PMUY beneficiaries during COVID-19.

In the webinar, Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry secretary, Pankaj Jain said that there is a need to make coordinated efforts to take Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana door-to-door. He said that to make the scheme effective, special attention should be given to including self-help groups, creation of LPG Bank to serve as micro-finance for refills, to establish the network of micro distributors, along with leveraging existing social network and institutional knowledge to attract consumers for a refill.