Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi has said that no lapse in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s security took place near Ferozepur. Addressing a press conference at Chandigarh, Wednesday he also said that according to the initial itinerary of Prime Minister Modi’s visit, there was no mention of a visit by road.

Expressing his respect for the Prime Minister, Mr Channi said that whatever happened shall be probed.

Modi, who landed in Bathinda and had to take the road route to Hussainiwala in Ferozepur because of the inclement weather, was stuck on a flyover for 15-20 minutes due to blockade by some protesters, an incident the Union Home Ministry described as a “major lapse” in his security.

“The Prime Minister had to visit for the inauguration and address a political rally. We regret that he had to return due to blockade en route,” Channi told reporters here.

“After all, he is the Prime Minister of the country. We respect him. There is a democratic system and federal system,” said Channi.

Taking cognisance of the “serious security lapse” during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Punjab visit today, Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has sought a detailed report from the state government and asked for fixing responsibility and strict action against those responsible for it.

In an official statement the MHA said, “… taking cognisance of this serious security lapse the Ministry has sought a detailed report from the state government. The State Government has also been asked to fix responsibility for this lapse and take strict action.”