India has described the nexus between organised traffickers and terrorist networks through illicit financial linkages as a dangerous phenomenon. India’s Deputy Permanent Representative Tanmaya Lal in UN told Security Council that this phenomenon should be urgently addressed using counter-terrorism financing tools and sanctions regimes.
He was taking part in a debate on Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations at the United Nations yesterday.
Mr Lal said the low rates of conviction for crimes of trafficking across countries needs to change. He said situations of armed conflict provide fertile ground for trafficking in persons especially from the vulnerable groups, including women, children and refugees for sexual slavery and forced labour or as fighters.
Mr Lal said, heinous actions of terrorist groups such as Islamic State or Boko Haram specifically target women and children in situations of armed conflict as a deliberate tactic of war. This adds more serious dimension to such crimes because such groups continue to act with impunity, he said. Outlining the measures taken by India to address issue of trafficking, he said India unveiled a comprehensive draft legislation this year aimed at prevention of trafficking and protection and rehabilitation of trafficked persons.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon underlined the need to ensure justice for victims and accountability for perpetrators. Mr Ban told UNSC that the conflict gives oxygen to traffickers but human rights and stability suffocate them. He said there is need for strategic leadership in ending war and preventing conflicts.