NewspapersThe Supreme Court coming down heavily on cow vigilantism, Prime Minister’s Myanmar visit and outrage & protests over journalist Gauri Lankesh’s murder, receive prominent attention in today’s newspapers.

“Post Cops to stop cow vigilantism, a Supreme Court orders states”, is the lead in the Hindustan Times. The Pioneer writes “SC orders States into stiff action”.

“Protests, SIT probe after Gauri murder” reports the Hindustan Times, with a photograph of a candlelight vigil at India Gate. The Times of India leads with “No headway in Lankesh’s killing, Karnataka CM forms SIT”. ‘Pistol of same make as one used in killing of rationalists’ the Indian Express cities a preliminary analysis, also noting “She is laid to rest with full state honours”.

“Modi gives call to respect Myanmar’s integrity” writes the Hindu. The Asian Age quotes him as saying “India shares Myanmar’s concern over ‘extremism’ “.

“Disengagement at Doklam: Troops stepped back 150 metres each side, remain on plateau” is the Indian Express lead.
“For first time, Pakistan admits LeT, Jaish bases on its soil”, with its foreign minister calling for tougher action against these groups, highlights the Times of India.

The Hindustan Times cites Army chief, General Rawat as saying “India must be prepared for Two-Front war”.