india africa forum summit 2015The 3rd India-Africa forum summit begins in New Delhi tomorrow. Heads of States and Representatives of all 54 African countries are participating in it. The four DAYS summit will address the key challenges faced by Africa, which includes food, health and environmental security. India hopes to create conditions that stimulate trade and investment flows between India and African countries. The two sides are expected to reinforce their partnership on the global platform and deepen security cooperation including on maritime security and countering terrorism.

Inaugurating India-Africa Editors Forum in New Delhi today, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said that the relationships between African and Indian media must be placed on the bedrock of grass-roots empowerment. She said, the media fraternity has bravely shouldered the burden of making the two societies aware of commonalities.
External Affairs Minister also inaugurated the India Africa Friendship Rose garden at Shantipath.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Swaraj said, flowers signify love, friendship and brotherhood and thats why India chose to build Friendship Rose garden to symbolise India-Africa friendship.
Delhi Police have put in place a comprehensive security arrangement for the summit and will go for aerial survey and roof-top marking as part of the arrangements. Installing of 300 CCTV cameras, positioning of snipers in high-rises, setting up of multiple pickets on certain stretches and sanitising the potential VVIP routes shall form part of the security arrangement.