They perceive that Anna Hazare agitation is moving in wrong direction through a just cause and the movement has been hijacked by those who do not believe in democratic system in the country.

Muslims antipathy towards Anna’s campaign is obvious. Anna is getting unconditional support from forces of Hindutva and at the same time he is challenging the authority of parliament. Muslims Dalit, OBCs see parliament as their last refuge in the democratic system.

Muslims feel that Forces of Hindutva led by RSS and its ilk do not believe in the democratic system of the country and that is why they are supporting Anna to undermine the supremacy of parliament.

All the Urdu newspapers, controlled by Muslims, have cautioned the community not to join the so called anti corruption movement.

No Muslim organization, except one, has come out in support of Anna, rather they are issuing statements cautioning the people against Anna’s team hidden agenda. An Urdu newspaper has even termed Anna as Gandhi of media and BJP ‘Media aur BJP Ke Gandhi’

Corruption is an issue which hardly anybody can oppose, but the Anna agitation has been hijacked by communal elements, says Hasan Shuja in a front page editorial in Sahafat. “RSS and BJP have succeeded in taking media into their side. BJP workers are active in all places. They are using national tricolour in place their party flags. If BJP succeeds, it will be a big loss for secularism in the country” the editorial said.

If Anna is so much against corruption why he kept mum over killing of woman RTI activist Shehla Masod in BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh?, asks another paper.

Masoom Muradabadi, another senior journalist has also expressed similar view saying Anna is dancing to the tune of RSS. He even goes on saying that leadership of Anna in line one, two or three are in hand of upper caste RSS minded people and there is no representation of OBC, Dalit and minorities in the leadership .

Hisam Siddiqui in Jadeed Markaz observes that a section of ‘immature’ media, RSS and BJP have taken rigid Anna into cloud nine.

When private TV channel created Anna phobia, RSS and BJP using all its resources took out their people on streets. “On the basis of crowd build up by media, RSS and Ramdev Anna succeeded in getting 15 day for agitation in Ramlila Maidan and seeing himself as victorious” the paper said.

Siddiqui feels that Anna rigidity is not good omen for democracy. “Similar crowed led by RSS had demolished historical Babri Masjid some 20 years ago. The then Prime Minister Narsimha Rao appeared helpless just as Manmohan Singh and his government is doing today ” he says.

The chief of All India Milli Council, Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam is of the view that Anna has been encircled by all kinds of fascists and shady characters.

“It is quite obvious now that opportunistic elements are trying to come riding to power on an Anna wave like they did on the Jaiprakash Narain bandwagon in 1977. This sabotage of democracy and the replacement of the state by the mob cannot be allowed” said Alam who respect Anna’s enduring work in Ralegan Siddhi as well as scores of villages around it.

Secretary of Jamiat Ulema Hind Hamid Noomani feels that the cause is genuine but the path Anna has chosen is not correct. “He is surrounded by some dubious people. The participation of RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal is a matter of grave concern for all of us,” he cautions adding that Anna himself had  kept Muslim away from campaign and not given them much importance.  

Not only Muslim intelligentsia, but youths too are not ready to join the Anna brigade. Along with OBCs, Dalit, Muslim youths too are opposing Anna’s style of functioning. On facebook, Tweeter they have their own stories against Anna campaign.

“Anna nahi Anna ke jitne sahyogi hai wo sab RSS BJP ki kathputli hai unke agende pe chal rahe hai”
says Idris Siddiqui on facebook. Hundreds of such message could be seen on social networking sites.