In Madhya Pradesh, after the completion of nomination process for the first phase of Lok Sabha polls, the number of candidates for six seats going to polls in this phase on 19th of this month, has become clear. The state will be witnessing four phase polling for 29 Lok Sabha seats. Meanwhile, the filing of nomination papers for the second phase is underway in the state.  Thursday is the last day for filing of nominations for this phase. 

In Madhya Pradesh, a total of 88 candidates are in the fray for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections on six seats. Some of the prominent candidates include Union Minister Faggan Singh Kulaste from Mandla and Nakul Nath, son of former Chief Minister Kamal Nath from Chhindwara. In Madhya Pradesh, 8 nomination papers have been filed in the second phase so far. Voting for the first phase in the state will be held on 19 April and for the second phase on 26 April.Meanwhile, Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan has completely banned any kind of exit poll in the state from 7 am on 19 April to 6:30 pm on the first of June.