Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, Mozambique is the gateway of Indian Investment in Africa as one fourth of all investment from India in Africa is concentrated in Mozambique.

Mr. Modi released an information booklet in English for Indian investors to help them find more avenues for investments.

Making the press statement after the restricted talks with the President of Mozambique, he said, India and Mozambique have a mutual convergence of capacities and intent.

Mr Modi said that India will partner with Mozambique in the area of Agriculture, Health, Energy, Skill Development, Resource Development, IT and Security.

He said that cooperation in the field of food security will be put on fast track to facilitate long term investment in commercial farming in order to increase the Farmers Income.

He assured the government of Mozambique on India’s continued support for public health system especially for AIDS.

Calling Terrorism as a biggest threat to the world, Mr. Modi said, the agreement on reducing drug trafficking is a right step in the direction of weakening the support network of terrorism.

Prime minister said, in order to face the emerging security challenges in the India Ocean, India will support Mozambique defence forces by training them, by supplying equipment and by creating infrastructure for them.

Earlier, the Secretary Economic Relations Amar Sinha signed three agreements with government of Mozambique.

The agreements are cooperation in the field of sports for youth, control of drug trafficking and production and trade of pulses.

During the state visit, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique Ms. Veronica Macamo at the premises of the assembly.

The dignitaries noted that both the countries shared a common history of anti colonial struggle.

They agreed that both countries have a lot to learn from each other’s democratic tradition. They agreed upon more frequent exchange between parliamentarians.

Prime Minister Modi invited legislators from Mozambique to visit India to study the working of Indian parliament.

He offered the use of Indian training institutions for capacity building.