Inaugurating the Annual Conference of State Minorities Commissions here on Friday, he said ; “The benefits of economic development must reach the minority community, if our claim of inclusive economic growth has to be rightly meaningful.”

He pointed out that the large section of the minority community was outside the mainstream of economic growth. The minority community should have access to quality education for their upliftment.

The Union Minister of for Minority Affairs, Salman Khurshid said ; “Socio-economic backwardness of minorities particularly Muslims is a cause for discontent and disenchantment and make them vulnerable to the baits of disgruntled and anti-social elements of the society. It is, therefore, crucial that discontent is transformed into hope and success.”

He said that if both the central and state governments work in tandem it would be possible to uplift the minorities.

In the conferences voices were raised about the non-implementation of setting up of the Equality Commission and formulation of Diversity Index as suggested by the Sachar Committee. Also some regretted that skill development did not find place in the Prime Minister’s 15-point programme for minorities. Some suggested that the minority concentration districts (MCDs) be increased from existing 90 to 120 and the formula for categorizing MCDs should be on the basis of 15% population of minorities. It would be better to go by minority concentration blocks (MCBs) rather than MCDs.

Some suggested that the Census process should categorise Muslims in terms of castes so that scheduled and backward castes in the Muslim community should be earmarked for benefits. Paris community wanted that should be categorized as a separate micro minority community in the Census.

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Release Muslim youth accused in Malegaon blast on bail

Speaking exclusively to The Indian Awaaz at the sidelines of the conference, the Chairman of the Maharashtra State Minorities Commission, Mohammad Naseem Siddiqui said: “Those Muslim youths arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast case should be released on bail immediately. Nine were arrested in 2006 and about 12 in 2008. As now evidences have come about the involvement of Pragya Devi and other non-Muslims in the blast, these Muslim youths undergoing detention for long should be released on bail pending full enquiry.”

Siddiqui said that he has already written to competent authority for the release of these youths on bail.