AMN / July 2@9:52 PM

minoritiesBJP Shiv Sena Government in Maharashtra today announced that madrasas that do not teach primary subjects such as English, Maths and Science would be derecognised. The state Minorities Affairs Minister Eknath Khadse said that madrasas not teaching modern subjects would be considered as “non-schools” and children studying in them as “out of school” students.

Mr. Khadse said that the government aims to ensure that every child of the minority community gets a chance to learn and come into the mainstream, and have a prosperous future. The minister informed that out of a total 1,890 registered madrasas in the state, 550 have agreed to teach the four subjects to students and so will be recognised.

Meanwhile, state education minister Vinod Tawde said that madrasas will be recognised only if they agree to provide formal education too.

The decision has however raised cocern in the Muslim community and opposition. The All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen or AIMIM ,Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind have severely criticised the decision .

Meanwhile,Minister of State for Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi blamed the previous Congress- NCP government in Maharashtra for keeping Madrasas out of the purview of formal schooling.

Naqvi said the Right to Education Act declaring Madrasas as non-school was formulated during the Congress-NCP rule which has now caused confusion.Mr. Naqvi said that some Madrasas are already giving mainstream education but some are not. He stressed the need for teaching of modern education in Madrasas.

Calling the move unconstitutional, Congress spokesperson Sanjay Nirupam said, no child should be discriminated along religious lines adding that the party will raise this issue in the upcoming assembly session. The Congress has termed the decision of the Maharashtra government to de-recognise the Madrasas as serious.

Party spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi on several occasions have promised not to discriminate between the people on the basis of caste and religion but the decision of the BJP-Shiv Sena ruled state government is contrary to it. Mr Surjewala said, Narendra Modi should stop the Maharashtra government from polarising the polity.