Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has vowed to go ahead with the Indo-Lanka Economic and Technical Co-operation agreement despite opposition from some professional bodies in the country.

Speaking in Hambantota, Mr Wickremesinghe said, those who oppose the agreement are attempting to sabotage Government plans to give employment to one million Sri Lankan youths.

Calling the opposition to the pact the work of traitors, he said he will not allow them to sabotage the mandate his government has got to provide employment to his people.

The Prime Minister said, an economic and technical co-operation agreement would benefit the country and not affect those in the service sector of the country.

He targeted the Government Medical Officers’ Association which has threatened to go on strike, saying that it will be a strike against the people. The Prime Minister said, on the 15th of next month, a massive demonstration would be held in Colombo in support of this agreement with India.