Breaking all previous records, the Connaught Place outlet of Khadi India registered a sale of 1.34 crores on 2nd October 2022. While the one-day sales at this outlet have crossed the one crore mark on numerous occasions, the sales recorded on Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary this year have broken the previous record of 1.29 crore rupees, registered on 30th October last year.

According to an official press release, the sales of Khadi and village industries have received a major boost post 2014, following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special attention towards this sector and his regular appeal to citizens to buy Khadi and products made by local artisans. It is noteworthy that Mr. Modi had urged citizens to buy Khadi through his monthly radio programme, Mann Ki Baat, that aired on 25th September.

Thanking the Prime Minister for his constant support, KVIC Chairman Manoj Kumar Goel said Mr. Modi’s charisma and appeal have led to record sales this year. He said that citizens, especially the youth, are opting for Khadi and local handmade products, enlightening the Diwali of local artisans.