Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said India’s standing at the global stage is rising due to people’s power. Addressing a student leader’s convention Yuva Bharat Naya Bharat in New Delhi today, Mr Modi said, there is no life without creativity and creativity should strengthen the nation and fulfill the aspirations of the people.

Mr Modi said, there is no better place for creativity and innovation than university campuses. He batted for promoting skills among the youth and asked them to work for a modern India. He said, the world evaluates the country where it is today not what it was five thousand years ago.

He said, student organizations, while campaigning for university elections should give more importance to cleanliness. The event was organised to mark the 125th year of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address at World Parliament of Religions.

Mr Modi said, Vivekananda supported experimentation and innovation and his government is working according to the ideals shown by him. He said, the 9/11 of 1893 was about love, harmony and brotherhood but the world has forgotten it and remember this date as 9/11 terror attack in the US.

The Prime Minister said, Swami Vivekananda had given the concept of One Asia who had said that the solutions to the world’s problems will come from Asia. Mr Modi said, the world is now saying that 21st century is Asia’s century.

Referring to those who are oppose to Make in India initiative, he said, they should see the correspondence between Swami Vivekananda and Jamsetji Tata which showed the concern Swami ji towards India’s self-reliance.

He said, Swami Vivekananda did not believe in sermonising rather his ideas and idealism paved way for an institutional framework through Ramakrishna Mission. He said, Swami Vivekananda raised his voice against the social evils that has entered the society.

Mr Modi also spoke against people who litter, saying those who do so have no right to say Vande Mataram. Lauding sanitation and workers, the Prime Minister said they have the first right to say Vande Mataram.

The Prime Minister’s speech was aired live across colleges and universities in the country barring West Bengal where the state government had directed all the universities and colleges to ignore the directive of University Grants Commission to arrange live telecast of the speech.