Nirmala Sithraman during release of a book on achivements

Varanasi / AMN

Assuring citizens about security of the country, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today said government is taking all necessary steps to secure the boundaries of the nation.

Addressing a press conference here after a function, in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s constituency, Ms Sitharaman said, “Either it is Jammu Kashmir or Dokhlam, Central government is fully vigilant for security of boundaries of country and any citizen should not worry about that”.

The Defence Minister said Government takes necessary actions for safety of nation, but due to security reasons it can not be promoted.

After distributing ODF certificates here at BHU’s Independence hall, she appealed to every section of society to help in ‘swashta mission’.

She said after Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi, Mr Modi has promoted cleanliness drive.