India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is expected to be deliberated upon by the atomic trading club at its plenary later this month in Seoul as a meeting in Vienna on India’s bid remained inconclusive.

According to reports chair of the NSG in Vienna has taken note of views expressed by member countries and will list the matter for further discussion at NSG plenary scheduled to be held in Seoul on June 24.

Though the US was strongly pushing India’s case and most member countries supported it, it was China which opposed it arguing that the NSG should not relax specific criteria for new applicants. The NSG controls access to sensitive nuclear technology. In the meeting, China did not openly oppose India’s membership directly but linked it to signing of Non-Proliferation Treaty, NPT.

The NSG works under the principle of unanimity and even one country’s vote against India will scuttle India’s bid. India has asserted that being a signatory to the NPT is not essential for joining the NSG as there has been a precedent in this regard. Japan and Mexico too has expressed their support for India’s NSG bid.

Ahead of the meeting in Vienna, US Secretary of State John Kerry had written a letter to the NSG member countries which are not supportive of India’s bid, saying they should “agree not to block consensus on Indian admission”.

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a group of nuclear supplier countries that seek to prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials, equipment and technology that can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons.