The President (Ameer) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind- Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari has condemned the hanging ofAli Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed, Secretary-General of Jamaat Islami Bangladesh (BJI) and Salauddin Qader Chowdhury, senior parliamentarianof the BNP. Maulana Umari termed the hanging of Mojaheed as a travesty of justice and a crime that will always remain a blot in the history of Bangladesh.Both the BNP and BJI are mainstream political parties of Bangladesh and it is very obvious that these hangings are politically motivated and aimed at silencing any opposition to the Awami League government headed by Sheikh HasinaWajid.Maulana Umariexpressed great surprise that Sheikh Hasinahad formed a coalition government a few years backwith the same BJI but was now accusing it of war crimes and atrocities during the 1971 war. By resorting to elimination of the opposition through fabricated charges and prejudiced tribunals courts, Sheikh Hasina is pursuing the path of State terror and abusing her position as the head of state.Ameer of Jamaat advised Sheikh Hasinato desist from vindictiveness towards the BJI leadership as it is not in the interests of her country and that she will also be held accountable by God in the Hereafter for all atrocities she is committing against the BJI cadre.