New book “Gandhi:  Politics and Communalism” published by IOS released

Andalib Akhter / New Delhi

Noted scholar, Author and Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson, Tushar Gandhi has said that India will remain strong, powerful and peaceful only when Gandhi’s ideology is followed truly. Addressing a book release ceremony here through video conferencing on Monday May 22, Tushar Gandhi said  today some elements are raising question on Mahatma Gandhi’s character and putting question mark on his Hinduism. “Those who have such mentality are the followers of Nathuram Godse. I clearly believe that the difference between Hindu and Hindutva is the same as what is between Gandhi and Godse’, he said.

Published by prestigious think tank Institute of Objective Studies’ IOS the new book “Gandhi: Politics and Communalism” was formally launched by the leading personalities of the country.

Speaking on the occasion renowned intellectual Prof. Aparvananda said that Gandhi was struggling with the problems of communalism in his time too. Hindus were against Muslims and some Muslims were against Hindus too. Gandhi struggled for their unity for the betterment of the country, but in recent days the problem is not of communalism but of the Majoritarianism

The majority community wants a system of its own instead of trusting the law and constitution of the country. It wants to deal with the situation according to its wishes. They are thinking that oppressing minorities and Muslims is not a violation of the law. Therefore, in today’s situation, the Majoritarianism is the biggest challenge  for the country and its only solution is the implementation of rule of law as everyone has been given equal rights in the constitution.

Professor Vipankumar Tripathi said that he believed that sectarianism has always been patronized by the capitalists and businessmen of the country.  Even during the time of Mahatma Gandhi, the capitalists and big businessmen were associated with the British and even today these same people were supporting the RSS. They promote sectarianism and hatred, he said.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey in his address said that the growing communalism in the country is not the problem of the Muslims but it is the problem of the majority community. The majority community needs to fight against it. “ It is time  for them to understand this could be a big problem for them”.

Professor Afzal Wani Vice Chairman IOS said in his presidential address said that Mahatma Gandhi was the foundation of secularism. He repeatedly said that both Hindus and Muslims belong to the same country, Muslims will practice their religion and Hindus will practice their religion, they will not speak against each other’s religion and he proved this practically. Earlier, General Secretary of IOS, Professor ZM Khan, while introducing IOS, mentioned the importance and topic of the book.

The author of the book, Piyush Babile, said that this book has tried to tell what Gandhi wanted to say in today’s situation and how following Gandhi’s ideas Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs Christians can live freely in the country practicing their own religion.

Apart from this, the founder of Mahatma Gandhi Award, Amit Sachdeva, famous journalist Shastri Ramachandran, advocate Anil Nooria expressed their views and called this book very useful in the current situation.

 Many leading journalists and intellectuals of the country participated in the book release function.