NEW DELHI (AMN): The government of India would soon launch an awareness campaign in different part of the country particularly in Punjab to make people aware about the realities of marrying their daughters abroad. It would also suggest precautions to be taken to avoid exploitation of the girls.

The government has been alerted following report of rising cases of fraudulent marriages by Non-Resident Indians for receiving large dowry. New Zealand and Australia are fast becoming new hot spots for such incidents.

Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi, recently visited both the countries and expressed concern over the growing menace, particularly in New Zealand

“The government is planning to take measures so that innocent girls do not get trapped in false promises” said a senior official of the ministry.

It was difficult to ensure punishment in New Zealand as the minimum marriage age for girls is 16 years and taking dowry is not an offence there.

The Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry has already set up a cell to help redress grievances of the victims of failed NRI marriages.

The Indian population in New Zealand is over one lakh which is 2.6 per cent of the total population of the country. The Indian population in Australia is around 2.5 lakh.