India has strongly criticised the Security Council for taking months to consider sanctioning leaders of groups it has itself designated as terror entities.

Image result for masood azhar indian awaazIndia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin, in a reference to the technical hold on India’s bid to get Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar banned by the UN said, Security Council is stuck in its own time warp and politics.

Speaking at a session on equitable representation and increase in the membership of the Security Council yesterday, he said, our collective conscience is ravaged everyday by terrorists in some region or another and the Security Council gives itself 9 months to consider whether to sanction leaders of organisations it has itself designated as terrorist entities.

Earlier this year, China had extended the technical hold on India’s move to get Azhar designated as a terrorist by the UN. The six-month validity of the technical hold lapsed in late September and China sought another three-month extension on India’s bid.

Mr Akbaruddin lamented the snail-paced and never-ending carousel of discussions on United Nations Security Council reforms, saying it is time to break the impasse to urgently reform the body that is unresponsive to the current global situation.