New Delhi: The continuous barrage of wholesales death sentences against the political opponents of the military regime in Egypt proves that the putschist generals are still not ready for any reconciliation with the country’s only democratically-elected President and his supporters, said the All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM), the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organisations, in a statement here today.

The national president of AIMMM, Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, said these death sentences are a blot on the face of Egypt and a proof that the putschist generals are adamant to push the country to perpetual chaos and civil war. The only way out for Egypt, said Dr. Khan, is to declare a general amnesty and to unconditionally set free all wrongly detained and unjustly tried opponents of the regime, and to start a new beginning by holding free and fair elections.

Dr. Khan condemned the American and Gulf governments which are backing the putschist generals in this dangerous game at a time when the whole of the Arab world is reeling under a grand destabilisation game to suit Israeli and American interests.