India and Kenya today signed seven agreements covering defence, tourism, agriculture and trade, avoidance of double taxation and exemption of Visa for official passport holders. A Memorandum of Understanding was also signed in the field of space Technology partnership.

Making statement to the Press, Prime Minister Modi said, that the development priorities of India and Kenya are aligned with each other and Kenya can benefit from India’s expertise, experience and concessional line of credit. He said, India would provide concessional credit of 60 million dollars for power transmission project to Kenya. It will also provide line of credit in the field of agriculture and textile and development of small and medium enterprises. Prime Minister assured that India is ready to join hands with Kenya for developing an efficient and affordable health care system so that it becomes an important regional hub for health services in East African region.

Mr. Modi also announced that India has donated an indigenous cancer treatment machine BHABATROM. He presented a model of bhabhatrom to the Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta. India will also donate medicines for AIDS patients in Kenya. Mr. Modi said, that India and Kenya are connected by India Ocean, and both the countries have agreed for closer cooperation in maritime security. An MOU on defence cooperation was also signed, allowing for the greater staff exchange, training, cooperation in hydrology and supply of equipment.

Mr. Modi said that India and Kenya both agreed that terrorism and spread of radical Ideology is a threat to the world. Both the countries have agreed to cooperate in the field of cyber security and controlling drug trafficking. Prime Minister said that it is the business community of both the countries who will drive the commercial partnership between India and Kenya. Speaking of Innovation, the Prime minister spoke of M-pesa, which has benefited millions of people through financial inclusion in Africa.

Earlier, addressing the press, the Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta thanked India for support in areas like high quality education for Kenyans in Indian Universities and treatment for the Kenyans in India hospitals. He lauded the line of credit of 45 million dollars extended by India in field of textile and Banking. He welcomed India for its decision to support development of drug manufacturing capacity to produce life saving drugs. After the meeting, Prime Minister will attend a event at Nairobi University.

At Nairobi University, apart from addressing the students, Prime Minister will also be offering floral tribute to the statue of Mahatma Gandhi, located in the University. In the evening he will pay a visit to United Nations office, in Nairobi, it is the only UN head quarter which is located in the developing world. Later in the evening Prime Minister along with the President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta will be addressing the Business Forum Meet in Hotel Kempinski. A 85 member strong delegation from India will be taking part in this meet. After that he will be leaving for India.