Speaking on the occasion after the inking of the MOus,Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said, India will set up an Information and Technology Excellence Centre in Burundi.

Dr. Singh said the MOU’s signed today will enable both countries to continue to undertake structured co-operation in the respective areas. He said, both sides have decided to further enhance bilateral co-operation over a wide range of areas. The two leaders held delegation level talks at the Hyderabad House in New Delhi this morning. They discussed wide ranging issues including bilateral, regional and international issues including piracy and UN reforms. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, he asked Burundi to facilitate Indian investments in agriculuture, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors in line with Burundi’s national development aims. Dr. Singh said, the Burundi President’s visit has rendered a fresh impetus to boost bilateral relations.

The President of Burundi, Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza said the delegation- level talks held with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were extremely fruitful. He extended his country’s support for India’s bid for a permanent Membership at the refromed and expanded United Nations Security Council.