Communist Party of India General Secretary D Raja at the press conference on September 21, 2023 after the conclusion of the two-day National Executive Meeting held at New Delhi on September 19 and 20, 2023:

The National Executive of the Communist Party of India had its meeting on 19 and 20 September, 2023 at New Delhi. The meeting was chaired by Com. Vanaja, Member, National Executive and Member of the state secretariat of the party in Andhra Pradesh

Party General Secretary D. Raja reported on the political developments including the formation of I.N.D.I.A. (Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance). He also explained what should be Party’s approach and role in forging alliance in states to fight elections for the state assemblies and elections for the Lok Sabha.

After deliberations, the National Executive expressed its view on the following issues:

1. On Women Reservation Bill:

Communist Party of India stands for women empowerment and for gender equality.

It was CPI leaders and members of Parliament like Renu Chakravarti and Geeta Mukherjee who championed the cause of women’s reservation in Assembly and Parliament. It was in 1963 Renu Chakravarty raised the issue in Parliament. In fact, Geeta Mukherjee as head of the Parliamentary Select Committee recommended 33 per cent reservation for women.

In this background CPI welcomes the reservation bill but points out that it is 2024 election and formation of I.N.D.I.A. alliance which has rattled the BJP government. In spite of having majority in Parliament since 2014, it took 10 years to introduce the bill.

In spite of lots of discrepancies to take political advantage, the bill has been introduced. It will be only effective after delimitation process in 2026 and only will be implemented in 2029. It is surprising that OBC demand for reservation is not discussed and considered.

2. National Executive on INDIA bloc

The national executive meeting of CPI held in Delhi on 19th September welcomes the formation of the INDIA bloc. Party believes that the formation of the INDIA bloc is a significant step forward in defence of the secular democratic character of our Republic and its Constitution. This strong political formation will definitely be able to replace the BJP from central and state governments. CPI will try its level best to strengthen the INDIA bloc by mobilizing people and by bringing various organizations of workers, peasants, youth, women, students and other social movements around INDIA bloc.

CPI has agreed to the formation of different committees unanimously decided by all parties participated in Mumbai meeting for practical purposes of coordination, campaign management, print and electronic media and social media campaign for advancing the political and organizational preparations for the forthcoming state and parliament elections with the understanding that all important decisions will be taken by the leadership of INDIA bloc.

CPI feels that the Coordination Committee can be expanded to accommodate other political parties to have more inclusive discussion and decision.

CPI will participate and contribute its best for the smooth running of the committees keeping in view the primary objective is to defeat BJP and its allies.

3. CPI Condemns Attack on AISF in Udhampur (J&K):

The National Executive of the Communist Party of India severely condemns the police and paramilitary action as well as attack by ABVP – RSS hooligans over Jammu and Kashmir State Conference of All India Students’ Federation (AlSF) at Udhampur on September 18, 2023.

Police and paramilitary forces tried all means to stop the announced State Conference of AISF in Udhampur of J&K under the direction of the ruling clique. ABVP and RSS attacked and manhandled the delegates in the presence of police force, not sparing even the All India President of AISF, the police remained mute spectator. Police informed the organisers that they cannot allow any program by left organizations because they are anti nationals. This is clear violation of the constitutional rights. Left organisations are not prohibited in this country. AISF is the first student organization which fought in freedom struggle and has given many national leaders.

The Party demands the Union Government to take stringent action against the hooligans of ABVP – RSS as well as police and paramilitary personnels involved in this incident.

CPI also appeals to all the democratic minded people of J&K as well as the country to unitedly resist such fascist attacks.