A group of 27 illegal Bangladeshi migrants tried to forcibly occupy the Hanoi embassy of Bangladesh in Vietnam on Tuesday, July 2. Disclosing this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in a Press Release on Monday said that these Bangladeshi nationals were lured by human traffickers to Vietnam.

After it came to the notice of the Bangladesh embassy in Hanoi, it arranged for a repatriation flight for them on July 2. While eleven illegal immigrants took the flight back to Dhaka from Hanoi, 27 of them refused to return asking the government to pay the fare. These people went live on social-media making derogatory comments against Bangladesh.

They are now threatening in the social media that if their demands are not met they will similarly occupy all Bangladesh embassies abroad. The statement said that the Bangladesh government does not have a provision to pay for the airfare of returning illegal workers.

According to the release, a certain quarter is trying to tarnish Bangladesh’s recent success in controlling human trafficking by threatening to attack Bangladesh missions abroad involving illegal Bangladeshi migrants.

In the recently released US State Department report on Trafficking in Persons (TIP), Bangladesh has been upgraded to tier-2 for its efforts to check illegal migration from the country.

Speaking about the incident, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen told the official news agency BSS that a new organisation named ‘Prabashi Odhikar Parishad’ is involved in patronising these illegal migrants. He said that those people who illegally go abroad should also be sent behind bars along with the traffickers as both are responsible for tarnishing the image of Bangladesh abroad.