Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur today launched the Broadcast Seva Portal in New Delhi. The portal will provide a single point facility to the stakeholders to request for required permission, registrations and licences. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Thakur said, government has harnessed technology to bring transparency in the system and make it more accountable.

He said, the Broadcast Seva Portal will reduce the turnaround time of applications and at the same time help applicants track the progress. This portal will reduce the human interface and will be a major step towards Ease of Doing Business. Mr Thakur added that the 360-degree digital solution will facilitate the stakeholders in seeking permissions, applying for registration, tracking applications, calculating fees and executing payments. This portal will provide its services under the wider umbrella efforts of Digital India to all stakeholders to private satellite TV channels, teleport operators, community and private radio channels.

The Minister said, the portal is a giant leap forward in realizing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mantra of Minimum Government, Maximum Governance. He said, it will boost the business environment and empower the entire broadcast sector by directly benefiting more than 900 Satellite TV Channels, 70 Teleport operators, 1700 Multi-Service Operators, 350 Community Radio Stations, 380 Private FM Channels and others.

Mr Thakur said, the Broadcast Seva portal will be soon linked to National Single Window System. Speaking on the occasion, Secretary of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Apurva Chandra said that the new portal has several improvements over the previous version and has incorporated suggestions from stakeholders over a trial period of one month.