The ministry’s action comes in the wake of representation by the OBC students’ association to the HRD minister Kapil Sibal. Thay said that the past few years DU has been consistently flouting the norms during the admissions. HRD has asked the VC to bring the violation to the notice of officials responsible for implementing reservation. It has also asked the university to send a timely report to the ministry.

Academic Forum For Social Justice and All India Backward Student Forum stated that in the meeting with the Minister, they “demanded 27 per cent reservation in toto in Delhi University and not 10 per cent marks relaxation because the Constitution provides 27 per cent reservation, and the 10 per cent relaxation is unconstitutional”.

The ministry said that those provisions of the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006 have been interpreted favourably from time to time by courts.