New opinion polls in United states show show Hillary Clinton taking lead over Donald Trump. A Washington Post-ABC News poll show a 12 percentage point lead for the presumptive Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton as 51 per cent of the respondents said they would vote for her, if the Presidential election were held today. It said, 39 percent of the respondents favoured for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

However, a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll showed a slimmer lead for Clinton, 46 per cent to Trump’s 41 per cent.

According to the Washington Post-ABC News poll, two in three Americans say, Trump is unqualified to lead the nation and they are anxious about the idea of a Trump presidency and find his comments about women, minorities and Muslims to show an unfair bias.

However, survey respondents also indicate unease with former Secretary of State Clinton as majority of them disprove of the way she has handled the questions over her use of a personal email server and half are anxious about the idea of her in the White House.