sunDeaths due to sun stroke continue to go up claiming 218 more deaths registered in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana In two States  despite a slight dip in the mercury levels yesterday heat wave conditions still prevailed. As a result,a large number of people became victims of sun stroke, taking the toll to 1345 in these states.

In Telangana, 97 deaths were reported during the last 24 hours,taking the toll to 340 in the state.In Andhra Pradesh, 121 more persons succumbed to heat wave during the past 24 hours as the toll crossed the 1000 mark.It now stands at 1005 .The maximum numbers of 202 deaths occurred in Praksam district and 168 in Guntur district. The death toll in Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and East Godavari district also crossed one hundred in each district.

Meanwhile, Met officials have warned of heat wave conditions for next few days in the two states. While District authorities are asking people to remain in doors as a precautionary measure, Andhra Pradesh Police department has opened water distribution centres at all police station limits. The police department also relieved Home Guards in the state from duties between 10AM to 4PM at all towns and cities.