Saying that a newspaper has distorted his words, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today said he regrets for any of his words, which have hurt anyone. Chief Minister said, we have a tradition of living in harmony with each other, we can`t use such words for our brethren from Muslim community.”

He said that he has been misquoted in an interview published in an English daily today. He said that he has not used such words like ‘Muslims can continue to live in this country but they will have to give up eating beef because the cow is associated with faith in the country’.

Chief Minister said that Muslims and Hindus have grown up together and respect each other`s faith and feelings. He said that even Muslim community in Mewat during his visit, had assured him that they will not slaughter cows, respecting sentiments of majority community.

Chief Minister said that Gauvansh Sanrakshan and Gausamvardhan Bill 2015 was passed in Haryana Vidhansabha unanimously.