The Gujarat government on Thursday issued an Ordinance to check the incidences of the abduction of local Fishermen and fishing boats by Pakistan. Minister of State for Home Pradeepsinh Jadeja said the ordinance will deter local fishermen from straying into Pakistani waters.

The ordinance seeks to amend certain provisions of the Gujarat Fisheries Act of 2003. The official release, however, did not specify the penalty that will be imposed on fishermen or boat owners who enter Pakistani waters.

The ordinance gives “search and seizure” powers in respect of all the fishing boats undertaking fishing in national maritime boundary to police sub-inspectors or officials above them at marine police stations.

Also, a fine of Rs 1 lakh will be imposed on boats from other states that enter Gujarat’s marine boundary. The local authorities can also sell the catch recovered from the errant boats and impose another fine, which will be five times the amount recovered from selling the catch.