Out of 40,155 total cases of COVID19, 22,849 cases are in Ahmedabad alone. Similarly, out of total 2024 deaths, more than 1500 deaths were recorded in Ahmedabad. However, the latest data suggest that the new cases and deaths are decreasing in Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad district has reported 165 new cases and 5 deaths during the last 24 hours. While 161 patients from the district also discharged from the hospitals after recovery during the same period. The positive sign is that the number of new cases and deaths are decreasing.

According to sources, the new cases and deaths during the first 10 days of July reduced in comparison to its previous 10 days. 22 per cent drop recorded in new cases, while 45 percent drop recorded in number of deaths.

1832 new cases and 70 deaths recorded during the first 10 days of July in Ahmedabad district, against the 2349 new cases and 129 deaths during the previous 10 days.