By Bosco de Souza Eremita
PANAJI:The Catholic Church in Goa says “bad governance” has led to environmental degradation in the western Indian state.

A statement jointly issued by the diocesan Council for Social Justice and Peace and Caritas Goa on Oct. 3 made a specific reference to the mining industry, garbage problems and land management in the state.

The statement, issued on Social Apostolate Day, appealed for a unified effort to promote biodiversity as a common responsibility.

It added that the government remains silent on the illegal iron ore mining industry, which it said, was destroying Goa. Politicians say the industry provides people jobs.

Such attitude betrays the lack of concern among those in power toward “the irreparable destruction” mining causes to Goa’s hilly regions, its air, water and soil.

The press note also said the illegal mining led to the loss of traditional occupations such as farming.

It also regretted that mounds of garbage and release of sewage in bodies of water have sullied Goa, a “picturesque state.”

The statement said people have neglected their duties to make their elected representatives accountable. They have abandoned cultivation and opted to consuming low quality imported rice. However it commended young people who have cultivated their ancestral lands.