tamil naduAs heavy rain lashed many parts of Tamil Nadu interior districts including Tirunelveli, Tirupur and Theni flood alert has been issued. Many rivers are in spate and excess water is released from dams. Flood alerts have been issued in many places and people living in low lying areas are advised to move to safer places. In Tirupur district the Amaravathy dam has reached its full level of 90 feet. Excess water is released from the dam leading to flood alert in Tirupur and Karur districts. Flood alert has also been issued by Trichy Collector Dr K S Pazhanichamy as excess water from Amaravathy river will be released to Cauvery and Colleroon.

Mullaperiyar Dam level has risen to 142 feet. The Tamil Nadu PWD officials are releasing more water from the dam so that the level is maintained at the permissible level of 142 feet as per ruling of the Supreme Court. At present 3,000 cusecs of water is being released into Kerala and 2000 cusecs of water is being released to Vaigai Dam.Third and final warning has been issued to Theni and Idukki regions as the level reached 142. Heavy rain in catchment areas has led to inflow into the Mullaperiyar Dam rising to 2696 cusecs. From Vaigai Dam 3500 cusecs of water is being released.

This water has reached Ramanathapuram check dams filling it after a span of six years. Flood alert has been issued for Aarapalyam near Vaiagai river in Madurai city. In Dindugul, flood alert has been issued as Kudakanaru Dam level is rising because of heavy rain. In Tirunelveli district flood alert has been issued in many low lying places including Natham, Sindupundurai as Thamaraparani river is flooded with rain water. Excess water is being released from Papanasam dam, Sevalaru dam into the river. In many places water has seeped into residential areas. Cuddalore and Nagapattinam districts also witnessed heavy spells of rain.

Meanwhile, state government has announced special packages for those affected by floods. In a statement, Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa has said, those who lost their huts in the city due to flood will be allotted permanent housing units totaling ten thousand within Chennai limits. Those families will also be given Rs 10,000 each. For all the other flood affected families, Rs 5000 each would be given. The sum would be credited into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. All the affected families will be distributed 10 kg rice, a dhoti and a saree each through ration shops. Identifying the affected public would be completed in a few days and then the cash and materials will be given away, as announced by Ms Jayalalithaa. Assessment of damages to the standing crops is also set to be held for giving compensation. If the damage is more than 33 percent in paddy fields or other irrigated crops, Rs 13,500 per hectare is to be distributed. For rain-fed crop damage, the amount has been fixed at Rs 7410 per hectare and Rs 18,000 for long standing crops.

The chief minister has said, those who are desirous of making financial contribution to help the affected can send it to the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund and relief materials can be delivered at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai. She has also expressed hope that in a few days, normalcy would return to Chennai completely. Following the announcement made by the External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, the Regional Passport Office in Chennai has made arrangements for reissue of damaged and lost passports free of cost till the first week of February next year. In case of damaged passports, the public can directly approach the passport office at the Rayala Towers on Anna Road in the city, with an application and the damaged passport.

Those who lost the passports have to file online application and approach the seva kendra’s with the police FIR on Saturday. The fee of Rs 3000 for reissue of passport has been waived. A special passport mela is also scheduled for this purpose at the Passport Seva Kendras in Chennai on Saturday. Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kanchipuram districts have declared holiday for the next two days for schools and colleges. Due to rain, Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur district administration has declared holiday for educational institutions tomorrow.

Though Chennai Airport is made ready for full-fledged operations, only few aircraft belonging to four operators including Air India made arrivals and take off. Union Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju inspected the airport premises today and asked the airliners to restart their full operations at the earliest. He also met the state Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa and discussed about the situation. It is said that other airliners may restart their operations from tomorrow and all the usual services would resume in a few days.