France has vowed to step up air strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria after Friday’s attacks in Paris. In a speech to both houses of parliament, President Hollande promised to destroy the Islamic State group. French warplanes carried out fresh raids overnight against the Islamic State stronghold of Raqa in northern Syria, destroying a command centre and training centre. French defence ministry in a statement said today that for the second time in 24 hours, the French military conducted an air raid against Daesh in Raqa in Syria.

Daesh is another name for the IS militants group. Ten Rafale and Mirage 2000 fighters carried out the raid at 0030 GMT, dropping 16 bombs simultaneously hitting and destroying two targets. The raid was conducted in coordination with US forces, the statement said. France has carried out air raids against IS in Syria since September but stepped up its raids after Friday’s attacks in Paris.