
AMN / Coimbatore

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the Union Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is creating better opportunities to private industries, especially the MSME’s. She gave away the awards for the best performing Start-ups in Coimbatore today. Speaking on this occasion, the Minister said, Prime Minister Modi has made economic reforms as the government’s important policy initiative.

Ms Sitharaman attacked the Congress saying it shackled the hands of the private industry by implementing the Quota and License Raj. She said, in 1991, the Congress Government resorted to a limited form of reforms due to the Balance of Payments crisis, and added, the present government gives stress to reforms in all spheres of the industry. She said, in all the areas where the public sector units are operational, the private industries will also be permitted. She however added that in strategic sectors, the public sectors will continue to play their role, though such sectors will be opened for the private as well.