It has also proposed re-designing of government programmes for sustainable growth. Aiming at 100 per cent adult literacy, the next Plan, 2012-17, proposes to increase expenditure on health from 1.3 per cent to at least 2 to 2.5 per cent of GDP.

The planning commission held its full fledged meeting for the 12th five year plan Thursday wherein the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that planning commission and finance ministry should work together to ensure the fiscal consolidation vis a vis expansion of the economy.

Addressing the full Planning Commission meeting on Thursday in New Delhi the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said that the 12th Plan objective must be faster, more inclusive and also sustainable growth.

Outlining the need to identify the critical areas where existing policies and programmes are not delivering results, Dr. Singh called for strengthening or even restructuring them. He said, the country needs to tackle new challenges which call for new initiatives.

The Prime Minister specifically asked the Commission to examine challenges relating to energy, water and urbanisation which are likely to become more severe. He said, a critical issue in any plan is the availability of resources and asked the Planning Commission and Finance Ministry to work in close cooperation on the resources for the 12th Plan, consistent with the objective of ensuring fiscal viability.

Dr. Manmohan Singh, however, added that in a scenario of resource constraint, focus must be on efficiency of resource utilisation as well as supplementing public resources with private investment.

The Prime Minister also urged the Commission to prepare estimates of poverty based on the latest data and make them available for public discussion as soon as possible.

Dr. Singh said, despite severe drought and global economic slow down, the 11th Plan will end with 8.2 per cent GDP growth which is short of 9 per cent target but nevertheless a commendable achievement. Dr. Singh said, though progress was made in areas like enrollment in schools reducing gender gaps but progress falls short of the target set for the 11th Plan.

The presentation about the ongoing 11th Plan and objectives of the 12th Plan said that some of the challenges that Indian economy faces include accelerated inflation, global pressure on food and oil prices, quality of governance and weak manufacturing performance which can be given a boost by liberalising the policy on the foreign direct investment. It said health and governance received less than projected resources in the 11th Plan.

The growing Indian economy will need a minimum additional power capacity of 1 lakh MW during the 12th Plan. While there was a need for further safety measures, the meeting emphasised that the nuclear power must be expanded. Expressing concern over less than expected inclusive growth and the likelihood of missing the UN Millennium Development Goals, it took on board the concerns on governance and empowerment.

The Commission for the first time used Internet to reach out to broader community including hundreds of sectoral experts. Its website for the 12th Plan, which is linked to Facebook, received 32,000 visitors leaving insightful comments.

A series of regional consultations with the states are planned next month in the run-up to the meeting of the National Development Council (NDC), the highest policy making body comprising Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers.