A good way to get good sleep is to make sure you are only drinking coffee in the morning or afternoon and not any time close to your bedtime, because as we all know caffeine is a substance that keeps us awake. If you are addicted to coffee then you want to try to switch to de-caffeinated coffee so you are not sabotaging your sleep.

Other ways to get good night’s sleep is to avoid spicy food close to bed time. Spicy food along with fried food cause a lot of hurt burn at night and can keep you up for hours past your bedtime. Hide your hot sauce at dinner time!

A fruit that helps you fall asleep faster are cherries. They contain a chemical that helps you sleep better at night. Cherries also have other benefits as well as they are loaded with vitamins. Grab a bowl of cherries as a bedtime snack and drift off into dream land!

If you have a light bedtime snack make sure it is high in carbohydrates and dairy products as both these types of food help you get better sleep. Dairy, oats, honey and banana also contain substances that aid in getting a good sleep at night.

Many people who are sleep deprived tend to make poor diet choices during the day, by choosing sugary and fattening foods. Snacking on these types of unhealthy foods can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.

Always remember to eat well to sleep well and sleep well to eat well!

Writer is a certified nutritionist