Through the e-gate service, Haj and Umrah pilgrims can get detailed information and addresses of housing units allotted to them before embarking on their journey.

The service will also provide vital directives such as the visiting hours allotted for women and the timings of their entry in Al-Rawda Al-Shareefa. It will also deliver important information such as conditions set for those who want to observe I‘tikaf. The e-gate will be a great resource for researchers as it will provide titles of all references in the Prophet’s Mosque Library.

It will also include scientific and historical encyclopedia focusing on the history and the sanctity of the Two Holy Mosques besides information on expansions carried out in the Two Holy Mosques from the era of the founder of the Kingdom until the reign of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

The e-gate will also provide comprehensive information in different languages for those interested in the Prophet’s Mosque’s history, the Holy Ka’bah Kiswa factory, and the Holy Haram Institute and its branch in the Prophet’s Mosque as well as the Prophet’s Mosque exhibition.

The e-gate service will also have round-the-clock direct transmission from the Two Holy Mosques. Moreover, Internet users can listen to the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Hadith through this service. __ (Saudi Gazette)