Minister of Earth Sciences Dr Jitendra Singh on Sunday reviewed the Monsoon trends at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) headquarters in New Delhi. He also went to the exclusive Satellite and Radar Sections of the Department and discussed the process of procurement of data on a real-time basis. The officials of the Department informed the Minister that, at present, besides other state-of-art equipment, IMD has 27 radars spread across the country and the number of radars will go up to 50 in coming years.
Stating that weather forecast data analysis is a complex exercise, Dr Jitendra Singh urged the scientists to further focus on more accurate forecasting. He asked the officials to step up people-oriented services, particularly for the agriculture sector and disaster areas like flash floods, cyclones and rain downpours, by using Apps and other such latest hi-tech options. Speaking at a brief presentation the Director General, IMD Dr. Mrutyunja Mohapatra informed that this year the monsoon rainfall was 10 percent above normal in the month of June, but 26 percent deficient till date during July.