Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain has said that the fifth serological survey has been completed in Delhi, and the report shows 56.13 per cent of people have antibodies against Covid. He said, this is the biggest serosurvey carried out by any state in the country and the government had collected 28,000 samples with 100 samples each from all municipal wards.

Quoting the report, he said that the least prevalence out of the 11 districts in Delhi was found in the North district, which stood at 49.09 per cent and the highest prevalence was in the South-East district, which stood at 62.18 per cent. He urged the people to continue to wear masks and follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour, despite the low number of Corona cases and declining positivity rate. Mr Jain said that the Delhi Government began its serosurvey on 15th of January this year, which was completed on January 23.