TIA/ Special correspondent

NEW DELHI: The government of India has expressed happiness over the reopening of schools and colleges in the Kashmir valley.

According to reports most of the schools and colleges have reopened on Monday, disregarding a call by one of the Hurriyat leaders.

The Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram in a statement has appealed to all sections of the people in Jammu and Kashmir to ensure that all schools and colleges function normally.

“Government is happy to learn that most schools and colleges have reopened in Jammu and Kashmir and most students have return back to school/college today”, Chidambaram said.

The Hurriyat (Geelani) group has reportedly gave a call to parents asking them not to send their children to school/college.

“Happily, parents have disregarded that call and sent their children to schools/colleges”, a home ministry statement said.

There were also report of a few minor incidents of stone-pelting on school buses at Habak, Bemina and Nowgam. ‘How can any right thinking person pelt stones on school buses? I hope that such mischief will stop immediately’, asks home minister.

The minister said that anyone who has the interest of the children at heart cannot indulge in stone-pelting; nor should anyone support such mischievous attempts to interfere with the functioning of schools and colleges.

Chidambaram hoped that few schools and colleges that remained closed Monday out of caution, would reopen Tuesday. ‘I am also confident that the attendance will improve significantly on Tuesday’.

The home minister appealed all sections of the people of J&K, especially parents, to cooperate with the State Government to ensure that all schools and colleges function normally”.

Meanwhile the Jammu and Kashmir government has assured the people that  every effort would be made to ensure that all schools and colleges reopen and function normally and that security will be provided to enable the students to attend schools and colleges.

Package for Common Kashmiris not Separatists

NEW DELHI: (AMN) Central government on Sunday clarified that 8 point blueprint announced by the centre on Saturday was not meant for separatists but for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Talking to the media on the sidelines of a function here minister of state in the Prime Minister’s Office Prithviraj Chavan said that the 8-point package announced by the centre was not for the separatists but for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He hoped a positive response to the package would come soon.      

The minister said the package has just been announced and when all information about it go to the public it would be discussed. He made it clear that government intention is to reach out to the common man of the Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has directed the Expert Group set up by him to ensure that the employment opportunities generated in Jammu and Kashmir would be sustainable. According to an official press release, Dr. Singh  reviewed the work of the Expert Group headed by former RBI Governor C. Rangarajan. Hailing the proposal announced by Centre, the CPIM today urged the government to take more confidence building measures to restore peace and order in the State. In a statement issued in New Delhi today, the party said that it is neccessary to provide compensation to those injured in the disturbances and rehabilitation of those permanently disabled. Congress, National Conference and PDP have already hailed the Centre’s initiative.