AMN //

Delhi trafficThe Kejriwal Government in Delhi has claimed that the trial run of Odd-even scheme has turned out to be a success on the very first day of its implementation today.

Briefing media, Transport Minister Gopal Rai said, there was a huge response among the people about the scheme and they followed the rules. He said that very few violations were reported. The scheme is being implemented for 15 days on trial basis to check vehicular pollution. Mr Rai said, the pollution level in various areas have come down as per initial reports.

Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said the city government aims at bringing down the pollution level to a safe level. He said, the government has started a new project for Lung Function Test of people during 15 days of scheme to analyse the impact of pollution. He said, test machines will be installed at ten locations in the city.

Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said, the odd-even scheme will not be permanently implemented. He made it clear that it may be enforced periodically when pollution level spikes.

Mr Kejriwal said this will go on till January 15, then it will be stopped and will be reassessed. He said nowhere in the world is the scheme enforced permanently and it is practically not possible. The Chief Minister said the restrictions may again be invoked for few days in the next 2-3 months if pollution level sees a jump.

The Congress also came in support of the formula. Replying to a media query in New Delhi, party senior leader P Chidambaram said, such a plan must be implemented periodically to change people’s mindset. The scheme is operational from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. However, the scheme will not apply on Sundays.

Mr Kejriwal, who has an odd-numbered car, carpooled with two ministers Gopal Rai, Transport Minister and Health Minister Satyendar Jain. The VIPs, women drivers, CNG-certified vehicles, two-wheelers and those carrying the differently-abled are among the 25 categories which are exempted from the scheme. Those found violating the scheme will be penalised with a fine of Rs 2,000 . Helpline numbers 011-42400400 and 011-41400400 are available for the public for their guidance about the scheme.

Three thousand additional buses have been pressed into service to ferry passengers. One thousand DTC buses which were usually deployed in schools are plying on the roads. Special buses are being deployed to ferry people among Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is undertaking over 300 extra trips on its different lines.

BJP Delhi Chief Satish Upadhyay said, it was done without adequate preparations by Delhi government. He said the scheme had practical problems in its implementation.

He also criticized Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for terming the scheme a big success within hours of its implementation. He claimed that many drivers who were driving even numbered cars paid fine just because of unavailability of public transport to their workplaces. He also said the scheme was launched in a hurry without working on its micro-detailing.