kashmir ki kaliCurfew has been lifted from the entire valley as normalcy returning to Kashmir. In Delhi, Home Ministry gearing up for the visit of all-party delegations to Kashmir on 4th of September.

It was lifted from Pulwama on Tuesday following gradual improvement in the situation across Kashmir, leaving the Srinagar’s M R Gunj and Nowhatta police stations as the only areas of the Valley under curfew.

But as situation further improved today, curfew was lifted from the remaining areas as well. There is increased movement of private cars and auto-rickshaws on the roads with people beginning their usual routines.

Life in the Kashmir valley has been fast returning to normal ever since curfew was lifted from major parts of the valley.

On Tuesday, curfew was relaxed in Pulwama as well.

Now only Srinagar’s MR Ganj and Nowhatta are still under curfew.

In Srinagar town people were seen coming out for their daily errands and private vehicles and auto rickshaws were seen plying on roads.

Meanwhile Mehbooba Mufti has once again slammed those who incite youngsters to violence.

On the ground, however, it is security forces who have been fulfilling the dual responsibilty of dealing not just with insurgents and infiltrators but violent protesters as well.

Much of the credit if not all, goes to them for the restoration of normalcy.

Equally praiseworthy has been the restraint with which the armed forces have taken on the protesters head on, even as anti national elements have been instigating stone pelters.

The maximum they used even as they were hurt and injured by violent mobs was use of tear gas to disperse protesters.

Official figures reveal that casualties among security forces in the past one and a half month are rather high.

Hardly surprising when one remembers how when anti social elements were inciting children to pelt stones and using them as human shields, our soldiers stood in the line of fire and tried to deal with the situation humanely.

While our soldiers selflessly devoted themselves to preserving law and order.HM Rajnath Singh is preparing an all party delegation to visit the valley.

It is expected that it will be a delegation of nearly 40 members and while parties have been asked to submit names the dates have been fixed for the 4th and 5th of September.

The delegation will be speaking with political parties, local residents, members of civil society and it could visit Jammu too.

The Centre has made it clear that it will talk to any group that abides by the principles of Kashmiriyat-insaniyat and Jamuriyat ie, the spirit of Kashmiriyat, humanity and Democracy within the ambit of constitution of India.