

The Communist Party of India CPI has strongly condemned growing intolerance and sheer desperation resulting in an attack on party state headquarters in Bengaluru as well as continuing detention of party leaders especially in Manipur and Uttar Pradesh.

It said that what happened in Bengaluru in the wee hours of December 25, 2019 that is 1.40 a.m., is utter violation of all decency and unleashing of a brutal attack on the property of opposition parties, their leaders and cadres.

D Raja, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India in a statement today said that the ‘RSS-BJP goons’ after entering the party office in Bengaluru set fire to the motorcycles with petrol inside the campus and destroyed the Com M S Krishnan Memorial Hall. On hearing the sound and smell of petrol and smoke, party comrades came out of the rooms inside the office and saw the goons fleeing away. They later filed FIR against the goons.

In Manipur Party state secretary is still under detention. He was arrested, released on bail and rearrested for leading a peaceful protest against CAA on December 19 at the call of the left parties for a nationwide protest. Such illegal arrests and detentions were also being reported from Uttar Pradesh and other states.

The party warns the ruling Modi government and RSS-BJP combine of dire consequences if they do not desist from playing with fire. I also want to make it clear that communists do not resort to violence to quell difference of opinion and also do not run away disguising their identity like RSS-BJP leaders. Our sacrifice for the good of the nation and people with many turning into martyrs are written with golden letters in the history of our great country.

“I on behalf of the Party appeal to all party units to protest peacefully and expose the dubious, divisive, violent and desperate attacks on party comrades and general public especially youth and students. Party units must take necessary steps to protect party office and other properties as well as comrades working in the offices. We also condemn the statement of some BJP leaders including ministers that ‘Godra will be repeated in other places if needed’. Also it is high time that RSS-BJP combine and its leaders realize that communists cannot be intimidated with such cowardly acts of violence” Raja said.